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Demo: Adding a Heading

You can change the default Our Pets text, and add additional text beneath it, on the page displaying all of your pets. Use the allPetsTitle and allPetsText attributes.


If this is taking a while, please see our available pets at /search/pets-for-adoption/?shelter_id%5B0%5D=SHELTER_ID.

What to put on your site

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="fetch.css">
<script src="fetch.js"></script>

<div class="fetch-container">
    Anything you want to display if Fetch isn't supported by the visitor's browser.

        key: "YOUR API KEY",
        shelter: "YOUR SHELTER ID",
        allPetsTitle: "Some Awesome Dogs",
        allPetsText: "They're awesome and you should adopt them!",

If you’re using WordPress

[fetch key="YOUR API KEY" shelter="YOUR SHELTER ID" allPetsTitle="Some Awesome Dogs" allPetsText="They're awesome and you should adopt them!"]
Anything you want to display if Fetch isn't supported by the visitor's browser.