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Demo: Adoption Forms

You can add a link to your adoption form on each pet profile using the adoptionFormLink attribute. Change the default text using the adoptionFormText attribute.


If this is taking a while, please see our available pets at /search/pets-for-adoption/?shelter_id%5B0%5D=SHELTER_ID.

What to put on your site

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="fetch.css">
<script src="fetch.js"></script>

<div class="fetch-container">
    Anything you want to display if Fetch isn't supported by the visitor's browser.

        key: "YOUR API KEY",
        shelter: "YOUR SHELTER ID",
        adoptionFormLink: "",
        adoptionFormText: "Fill out an adoption form"

If you’re using WordPress

[fetch key="YOUR API KEY" shelter="YOUR SHELTER ID" adoptionFormLink="" adoptionFormText="Fill out an adoption form"]
Anything you want to display if Fetch isn't supported by the visitor's browser.